This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Well they do say things come in 3's

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey what a catalogue of disasters ( in that they have sent Bill into a tailspin). Last night he rang and then came home full of hell as he had a parking fine as his ticket had blown off the dashboard, he then found out that aol has been cut off because they put us on a cheaper tariff and then cancelled the standing order and then to cap it all we discovered that the fact that the bank account was light was that I had been credit card robbed. All sorted and we can still use Bills card for the account and the £330 will be back in the account today so no harm done really other than that Bill is in a real state. He also has to go to the hospital today to find out re his op/ops so is very stressed re that as not sure how long he will be out of action.

I could really do without all this as am really having to juggle at the moment.

Well they do say things come in 3's

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Poor you, poor Bill. Sounds like Bill could do with taking a chill pill. "Things can only get better" as they used to sing before Mr Antonius Bletchley Bluor came to "power". My oh my.

Well they do say things come in 3's

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Yes it is all really dire as he gets in such a state

Ive just seen my purple Virginia Woolf mug and wondered why it was here. Its like when someone dies. Next time someone does I will just have to think ( paraphrasing that verse about going into another room) "they are not dead they have merely moved to South Africa"

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