This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Monday again

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey it is wet out there. Finn wont go out. At least I wont have to de ice the car this am ( that is because I bought some de icer no doubt).

Off to Stirling soon to catch the train to Glasgow. Meeting M at 9.30 at Queen St as she doesnt know where to go. I really prefer travelling on my own but hey ho.

Im going to have a quick look in the shops around the arcade in Buchanan Street. I love the Jo Malone shop and when R and I went on the day we did our Glasgow curry jaunt it was shut. I think that the Cath Kidston shop that was next to it was a pop up shop and is now closed which is a shame.

Im going to go swimming tonight as dont have time to go just now.

Monday again

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Was in to Glasgow by 9 so was able to go to princes square. Went to jo Malone and bought some pomegranate fragrance which I love and also was pleased to see cath kidston still open.

After the training I went to the lighthouse for lunch and for a look around and then to the goma. Recognised a toddy Buchanan film by it's style. Easily pleased me.

Monday again

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Was home before 6 and went for a sleep. I felt exhausted. What i wouldnt give to be able to sleep properly and not be shattered every day.

Have done a bit more on the conference abstract and think I will leave it at that for tonight. I have sent it back to the others for more comment.

I am in Dundee tomorrow am and then in perth in the afternoon at training and then back to Dundee tomorrow night for a film.

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