This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A Sunday kind of day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is very icy again

I think Lizzie is at work at 8. Poor wee lamb she is at work all the time and has 4 x 4.30 am starts this week.

Bill going to see Rick Wakeman tonight and Chris still in Oban so a nice quiet evening for me. Im going to do my OU application I think.

Today Im going to do some marking ( which I will do some more of next weekend) and will take Finn out as didnt have time yesterday. Bill took him for a 5 mile walk along the river and I picked them up after it.

This week is a bit odd as the Stirling schools are off for 3 days. Tomorrow Im going to soscn for an anti bullying workshop and will then spend a bit of time in Glasgow looking at the shops. Back to Stirling after that mainly to collect stuff for Tuesday. Tuesday Im in Dundee in the morning and then at McD Park in the afternoon for a seminar on the new equalities legislation. In the evening Im going to the DCA to see The Donkeys. Wednesday Im in Stirling and Falkirk all day and will have the evening to finish off the OU application. Thursday Im working on IV ing Annes Stirling students work and then have various meetings and the Thursday night course. Friday i will go through to Stirling in the morning to hopefully help Katie finish her project and then have Anne coming to my house late afternoon to go over the IV ing so a busy but not particularly difficult week ahead.

A Sunday kind of day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Quite pleased with my progress so far today. Ive worked on my OU application, done some work related e mails, am in the midst of marking the Falkirk Rights assessments and have sorted the work out that I had brought home.

I could now do with a proper weekend of course.

Chris is back from Oban and he will type up the BASIC file for me.

I had a lovely sleep late morning into the early afternoon

Lizzie was going to go and see Burke and Hare but was too tired so just went to the Chinese Buffet instead. Bill is at Rick Wakeman

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