This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Just another Saturday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear I woke up very early

I spent last evening working on the conference abstract for Cardiff. I am almost at the stage of sending it to Anne and Lesley for their comments and final tweaking

I also watched a New Tricks ( a new one)

I went to bed at 10 and woke up when Bill came to bed accompanied for some reason that I suspect was to do with fireworks by Finn

Today Im going to go and get the papers and go for a swim. I will then do some work on the AHS folder I think and finish the conference abstract. Ive got marking to do which I will do tomorrow. I think I will leave the OU job application to Monday and Wednesday evenings ( off to the pictures on Tuesday).

Chris is in Oban and Lizzie was working until 1am and is then back at 12 which is breaking the WTD so she isnt best chuffed. She hasnt seen Cameron either as he is at work at 7 so there wasnt any point in him coming round.

Im not sure what Bill is doing but hopefully it is going to include going to B and Q to get the materials he needs for putting shelving up in the study for dvd's and videos. I wish he would hurry up and do it so that the bay of shelving in the living room that they are currently on can be given over to books

Cant remember if I said that the conservatory base man had been yesterday. Def progress. I am so looking forward to having it so as to have a quiet space. I have twice come home in the past couple of days to find the kids watching utter bilge on the tv and it really upsets my equilibrium.

Just another Saturday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

It turns out that Cameron was here after all and I took him to work as the starter motor on his bike was frozen.

I then went for a lovely swim and to get the papers

When I came home I did a bit more on the abstract and sent it to the others as I was having a problem with the form but Lesley has sorted it for me which is great.

I then went for a sleep to try and catch up with having been awake since 4.

I got up and put all my clothes away and hoovered the bedroom.

About to reply to a couple of e mails and then get on with some work

I love Saturdays at home.

Just another Saturday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Have finished my report and sent it and my invoice off to irene

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