This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Hooray it is Friday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Have just waved Chris off to work. He is going straight to the theory test in Dundee after that. He is going to Oban for the weekend and is staying until Monday.

I feel very tired still but have loads to do over the next 3 days.

I also want to go to Dundee to see the filkm The Donkeys which is part of the same trilogy as Red Road. I havent been to the cinema for years and all of a sudden there are 3 films in a row that I want to see, that one, The Kids are Alright and Another Year. All on at the DCA in the next couple of weeks.

Hooray it is Friday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I havent done any work today which means that I have loads to do over the weekend but I just feel too tired.

It was nice seeing Drew.

It is very dark now. Im going to collect Chris from work but will then be in for the night.

Today Chris has failed his driving theory test, Lizzie has passed her management training test with 90% and the man who is building the base of the conservatory has been.

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