This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is weird to think that it is a week today since Richard went. Today will be a lot easier than last Thursday as I wont have to fit supporting him through the move or taking him to the airport into the mix.

Today I am off to the office and then to Falkirk first thing for the last class of the NPA, then to the office to prep for a Time Management session Im doing at Alsorts, then to Alsorts to do it, back to Falkirk to see Steven and Claire, back to the office to get everything ready for tonight and then the class tonight.

Tomorrow Im going to be working at home and going to meet Drew for a cuppa in the early afternoon.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Phew, got through the day ok.

I am SO glad that I have 3 days at home to do the various tasks that I need to do

Richard has got to his destination

Chris has his theory test tomorrow

Bill has taken his motorbike engine up to Laurencekirk to get fixed

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