This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Halfway through the week

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I dont think I have ever been so in need of the weekend as I am at the moment. I feel as if I am trying to fit too much in and just dont have anytime to just be.

Yesterday I was in Dundee in the morning and went to the STUC conference briefly at lunchtime.

I came home fully intending to work but was so tired and went to sleep.

We then got the train to Glasgow and went to oran Mhor to an event to mark the launch of a book of Alasdair Grays. He wasnt able to read as had a cold but sat at the back signing books and occasionally heckling. He had done an intro as well. Jenny Lindsay compered. She is now doing teacher training. Obviously stand up poetry doesnt pay the bills. She did a few poems, Liz Lochead read a few ( and was very good). Denise Welsh read a short story, there was music from 3 guys called My Favourite Novel and then Alun Woodward from the Delgado's with his new band Lord Cut Glass who were superb, totally loved it and then the sublime Roddy Woomble finished off that part of the evening. His voice is just to die for. There was then a dj set from David Shrigley the cartoonist but we didnt stay for that.

We then went and got some indian snacks and waited for Lizzie. We took Cameron home and he lives just opposite where my old friend from Glasgow days Grace lived. Home by 1am

Im feeling a bit brighter than i was yesterday. I think Richard going away is really sinking in. I am still mentally planning time around nipping in to see him but hopefully through time that will recede. He is en route to Cape Town and we are having loads of contact which makes the fact that he isnt sitting in the flat putting the kettle on ready for my arrival a but weird really.

Today Im in Dundee first observing Dorota, then home, off to Stirling, then to Falkirk and then back to Stirling. Tomnorrow is just Falkirk and Stirling and Friday Im working at home and meeting Drew for a cuppa and then it will be the weekend and I have an AHS to type up and another one to prepare for, a job application to do, a conference abstract to write and hopefully plenty of time for dog walks and swimming.

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Halfway through the week

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