This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Spoke too soon

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

So much for feeling positive. I have had a real plummet.

I felt very pressured yesterday because of not having any down time at the weekend. As it was it all went well and I got everything done that I needed to but I felt very down especially in the evening as things really quite dire at home so no pleasure in being here.

Im fine when Im working but as soon as I stop I am back to how I was a few years ago in terms of feeling absolutely dire and I can feel myself about to get back into that cycle of working more and more to try and avoid the feelings that I get when I stop.

It doesnt really help that I dont have anything to look forward to in the near future so it is going to be work, work and more work if Im not to sink back into the morass.

Ho hum.

Spoke too soon

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a lovely sleep this afternoon.

Off to Glasgow now for an event to celebrate alasdair grays new book" a life in pictures"

theconservatory is going on site in 3/4 weeks so should be done for Christmas

I think I am struggling with having had 3 years with no leave of any significance because of the Stirling contract being so demanding in terms of having to work all but 18 days a year pro rata. I need to think this through.
But it may not be an issue after March if Im doing more bits and pieces

met Ian Marr at the station. What a nice man.

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