This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I have a lot of catching up to do here.

I have had a lovely weekend and am going into the new week feeling very positive.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Saturday went really well. We went to the lakes. First of all we went to the village bakery for lunch, then to the Kirkstone Pass Inn, for a walk around Ambleside and finally went for a really nice meal in Grasmere.

yesterday we went to the glass centre at Sunderland and then to the Baltic. When we got home I went out to meet Ann Henderson which was really nice.

Today i went for a swim, had a meeting with Anne, went for lunch with Anne and lesley ( my treat for Lesley's 50th) and then to an assessors meeting at Barbaras. B is off to s Africa on Thursday for 3 weeks and is doing a grand tour starting in Cape Town. She is also going to Zambia and another country that I cant remember. we are all going to her house for dinner between Christmas and N Year.

After that I went into the office and then did 3 club visits. I was home by 7

I have sorted my work for tomorrow, have had tea and am now going to have a very quiet evening.

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