This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

An interviewing sort of day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I slept until 5.30

Ive woken up still with a blocked nose, streaming eyes and a blocked throat. It isnt totally terrible but is annoying.

Im interviewing all day today and tomorrow in Dundee for the next lot of NPA students. We had 29 on the list which is rather a lot.

After that ie tonight I need to type up an AHS report and get that off.

An interviewing sort of day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear. Of the 5 eople who came this morning 2 didn't turn up. 2 were great and one isn't fluent enough. 6 this afternoon supposedly.

An interviewing sort of day

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

God give you strength to get through the day.

smiley - hug

An interviewing sort of day

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Thank you. Just waiting for last candidate. The people this afternoon have been good. Doing it all again tomorrow.

An interviewing sort of day

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I got home about 5. I had a lovely sleep and am now doing some work

Richard is all sorted. He goes on the 29th Oct. I will take him to Edinburgh the day before. It has all happened so quickly. We are going to go to Holland for a weekend before he goes. It is going to be so weird not seeing him anymore. It has been nice having a friend who lived near me who I saw a lot of. Its the only time I have had since I left Oban. Usually my friends live a long way away and I just see them for lunch.

Ive got a really weird day tomorrow, Dundee, then home briefly, then Stirling, then Thornhill and then through to Edinburgh where Im staying tomorrow night as have a conference on Thursday.

Lizzie has got a date for her managers course. It is late Nov in Glasgow. There was a chance she might have to go to London but she has got into Glasgow.

An interviewing sort of day

Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

I got my work done

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