This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a very nice day yesterday although it went very quickly

I went up Kinnoull Hill with Finn and sat in the sun at the outdoor cafe for a drink after the walk which was lovely

I tried to go to the monastery which was open as part of Doors Open Day but there was no sign of it

I then went to the new Vulcan Works building which was wonderful. An artist called Arthur Watson lives in it and he was chatting away about the project.

I came home and had lunch incl some soup that Bill made and watched the footie and then the Labour leadership election. I wasnt impressed enough with any of them to vote and am not sure how Ed M will pan out

After that I went for a sleep, then went for a walk with Bill and Finn and read the papers and watched a Midsomer Murder. Bed not long after 10

Today I have some work to do, want to go to the allotments on the island which are open as part of Doors Open Day and maybe I will start to move some of the stuff in out of the hut as it is starting to get damp.

Plans for the week


Hospital with R, working the rest of the day in Stirling and Falkirk and have an evening meeting


Interviewing in Dundee all day


Interviewing in Dundee all day

Home briefly to pack

Working in Thornhill in the evening

Staying in Edinburgh


Play Scotland Conference

Galleries in the evening as I have discovered they open late


Stirling in the morning

Dundee in the afternoon


Meeting all day in Stirling


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It only seems like last week when you were starting to use the hut for summer. We haven't really had much of a summer - or have we? I haven't been aware of much of one.


Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Everything is just going too quickly. I dont think you were here at all this summer were you?

i went down there earlier and it was really cold

Ive brought more of the stuff out of the greenhouse into the house as well


Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Ive had a lovely day. Did some work this morning and then went back to bed for a very nice sleep.

The weather had improved dramatically by then and Bill and Finn and I headed off to Moncrieffe Island to the allotments. We were there for about 90 minutes looking at the different gardens and chatting to people. It is interesting that even though they are called Perth Working Mens allotments all the gardeners we saw were women

We then went into town as had a couple of things to do and sat and had an ice cream outside.

When we came home we did a few garden and hut jobs.

I sat in the hut to listen to the archers. That was only 30 mins ago and yet it is now dark. I had the wee fire on.

Chris will be home soon, he says he has had a great time in Oban.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to Tesco this afternoon and got medicine.

It isn't 8pm yet and dark already.

Bible Study on tonight.

Had noodles for tea. It was lekker.

See you tomorrow morning.

smiley - smiley


Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

Yes you certainly will. My chariot will be awaiting you at lone ranger time.

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