This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Im not very good at this journal mallarkey

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear another day missed

Well yesterday i went into the office, then went to Falkirk and taught my class followed by a mentors meeting. Anne and I then went to lunch before I caught the train to Edinburgh.

I met up with Fiona from ML at the National Gallery and then took advantage of late opening to see the Christian Kobke exhibition and to revisit the Impressionist Gardens exhibition. I got the train back to Stirling and went to see Richard.

I got home about 9 and it was all a bit dire as Bill and Chris were watching a dvd and it all felt very loud. I am so looking forward to having the conservatory so as to be able to sit quietly when I get home.

Today Im going to do some work and then Bill and I are heading through to Glasgow on the train. We are going to the Ub Chip with Jamie and Rosemary for lunch and will then go again to the Glasgow Boys exhibition.

Tomorrow is Doors Open Day so Im looking forward to visiting a few buildings for the first time.

Im not very good at this journal mallarkey

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

A lovely day in Glasgow

I think I saw Simon Callow

I got tickets for armistead maupin doing a Reading/signing

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Im not very good at this journal mallarkey

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