This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Monday again

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I am definitely feeling a lot better

Im off to Dundee this am and will be home this afternoon to get on with some paperwork

I have been awake since 2 so will need to have a sleep when i get home.

Monday again

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

A bit of a wash out of a day really.

I was in Dundee until 2 and got a lot sorted there but when i came home I had to go straight to bed and havent totally woken up yet

Chris didnt get the bus home as planned last night ( 2nd time he has done that in a year) so Im about to go and get him

Bill is ill as well.

I have an awful lot of work to catch up on so it is a good job that Im home for the next 2 weekends

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