This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

If it's Thursday it must be Falkirk

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a good if busy day yesterday. I had a meeting at the new Mart cafe which was very nice although I could do without being surrounded by quite so much meat.

The NPA class went well. They were making a poster on Protection and will do the other 2 next week.

I had one more meeting, spent a bit of time in the office and then went to see R and we had our customary afternoon cuppa.

Took R to Sainsburys and then headed home and made tea for Chris and I. It is unheard of for me to not work on a Wednesday night so it was nice being at home. I did some work and went swimming. Lizzie was in Dundee on a night out but I see this am that she has come home. She brought a few people back to Perth. They must be getting old. A couple of years ago they would have all just crashed at the party.

Off to Falkirk soon. I had Finn out for quite a long walk earlier. Bill is home tonight but only briefly as he is off up to Aberfeldy tomorrow.

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If it's Thursday it must be Falkirk

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