This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I feel very fearful and subdued about what having a Conservative led Govt will mean for social justice in this country. I had really hoped that there might be a Lab/Lib pact. I cant imagine that many grass roots liberals are happy about this turn of events. Cameron and Clegg are both career politicians from similar backgrounds. It is the end of the meritocracy in modern politics or at least a break in it. No matter what I thought of Margaret Thatcher ( and John Major who I always think seems like a jolly decent chap) she/he came from ordinary backgrounds. Mind Tony Blair and Harriet Harman werent exactly dragged up so it happens in the Labour Party as well I suppose. Oh well. I will keep on doing my own bit on the ground and hope for the best. It will be interesting to see if the Cons and the liberals stand against each other in local elections (see my point above re grassroots liberals) and it will also be interesting to see what impact there is on the Scottish elections next time.

I enjoyed having that time at home yesterday. I am going to finish fairly early today as well. Lizzie is off to Dundee for someones birthday and is staying over so it will be just Chris and I. I havent heard from Bill. He thought that he would probably be out of signal.

Im really getting on top of the marking which is good. I need to do the Dundee projects and then I think that will be it apart from their Rights assessments ( and the Stirling ones) until after the summer as the Falkirk lot havent got anymore assessed work before the summer.

Im planning on only working 2 days a week over the summer plus doing any work for SOSCN that comes in.

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