This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Big Day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Bill has to go into work today. This could be the start of his move towards retirement. He has been up all night preparing his case. Fingers crossed that it happens swiftly and painlessly.

Jan and Chris are coming today but I wont see them as Im off to Stirling soon and then to Glasgow at lunchtime.

Im looking forward to my Glasgow trip. Ive got a bit of time at each side of the meeting and intend doing a bit of shopping before the meeting and going to the Gallery of Modern Art on the way back. I havent been to Glasgow since Borders shut down. Buchanan St wont look the same without it.

Big Day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

The news from bill is good

I am sitting in a Spanish cafe in Glasgow that I came to with Marian a couple of years ago. I love Spanish food , decor and music

before I went to the meeting I went to carh kidston and bought a few bits and pieces. I then went next door to jo Malone and tried all the candle scents

it is good being in Glasgow. I used to come every Monday for a team meeting. It was good travelling on the train with Hilary

back to Syirling soon. A meeting and then s cuppa with R.

Big Day

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm just settling down to watch Trek so will have finished that long before you arrive. I won't have to pause the video.

smiley - smiley

Big Day

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Ooh I was just going to say that I had finished work at 8 and went round to see you and it was fun. I shan't bother now.

I am really tired after a pretty distrurbed night. Just going to wait for Lizzie to come home from work and then Im going to bed

I really enjoyed my time in Glasgow but couldnt fancy having to go there as often as I used to.

Dundee in the morning and then an afternoon working at home doing some marking and some prep

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