This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 141


That is not true i only tell you the good bits.Its the naughty bits i keep to myself.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 142


~grin~... But those are the fun bits to discuss!!!

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 143


It would not be fun to read "This has been removed while we look up some of the words just to check what they mean but not only is TIMELORD ban from this site but we are reporting him higher a authority who will lock him up and throw away the key"

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 144


Hmmm.. an adventurous sort then... ~grin~... would give the moderators... ~Greebo waves to said moderators and huggles them to be sure they know how much she admires and loves them~... something to think about...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 145


Do the moderators think?
Trys to change the subject so i don't have to tell to much about my shaded past.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 146


Me is sure the moderators thinks... ~grin~... they have to when they moderate one of my h2iq questions...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 147


Yes but it changed the subject nicely now i don't have to tell you about my pass mistakes.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 148


~grin~... yes please tell me about your past mistakes... maybe me could write a post article about them... hmmm...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 149


I have made many mistakes in a life as long as mine but the biggest one and the one i regret the most was made at the age of 14 i said yes and if i could go back and change it i would say NO.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 150


Me is not saying me is curious... but.. er... me is curious... ~grin~

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 151


But i know what that did to the cat it was not good only 8 left know.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 152


You mean me has lost another life... just like that... ~open eyed grin~

Me has actually got seven lives left... in reality that is... me is being very careful with them now... and has made a firm decision that curiosty will not effect me in any way... ~grin~ ... or me would of been out of lives long ago...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 153


That is good to know but how did you lose the other life in the first place.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 154


Hmmm... ~Greebo looks into her past and winces~ ... one through being silly... and another through illness...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 155


If being silly could kill a timelord we would regenarate 12 times a day and thats the end for a timelord.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 156


I was just wandering if you have recived any strange lately e-mails?

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 157


Hmmm... me recieves lots and lots of strange e-mails... if me doesn't recognise the sender... me more than likely delets it unread... me very paranoid about virus's... ~Grin~

Me hasn't had anything from you... if thats what you mean...

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 158


I sent an e-mail from a friends (Subject Peter Pratt 20 years on)it had a photo with it that i thought you might like if you can't find it let me know and i will send it again but don't look at the photo if you are feeling unwell.

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 159


So how are you enjoying helping out at the post?

Enjoyment at H2G2

Post 160


Hello TIMELORD... ~grin~... the Post is going fine me thinks... not sure how Shazz thinks me doing... ~big grin~

How are you feeling... she told me you were unwell last week... are you better now?

Greebs... xx

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