This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 12, 2002
~Greebo wipes away a tear~... Oh... does that mean you missed me as much as me missed you????
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 12, 2002
My dear greebo i always miss you*.
So how is the new computer and did you get the anagram.**
*I only have a small photo and i am a lousy shot with a dart(haha)
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 13, 2002
Hmm the new computer came from MESH... a very nice place... ~grin~.. it runs Windows XP... which is taking a little getting used to... but seems fine... the keyboard is a beauty... internet ready... though not seeming to work with AOL... whom me presently gets online with... me is not an AOL fan me afraid... its to.. hmm.. hmm.. claustraphobic... but me does like the AOL help people... free phone call etc... ~grin~
No me didn't get the anagram me afraid... me is slightly a duffer you know... and it is very much agreed that me would never get a question right in H2IQ if me didn't have the answers...
You have a small photo of little ole me??? Does you carry it around in your wallet... next to your heart... ~grin~...
Huggles.. Greebs xx
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 13, 2002
Did you get any nice presents for hogwatch i sent a little something to the hogfather and asked him nicely to give it to you*.
I find it just as hard writing a quiz as answering one you should try my quiz in the post i have thought about doing a Terry Prattchet/disc world quiz i will let you know if i do it.
I am glad that the new computer is working well i find the games a bit better on millennium i quite like the pinball.
The photo i keep close to my dart board the thought of you i keep in my heart.
*If you did not get something just before Hogwatch could you give me a quick e-mail on timelord(at)
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 13, 2002
Oh deary me... ~huggle~... me did indeed get something from you just before Hogswatch... and me was a pleased as a very pleased cat can be with it... in fact... it was one of the first things me did when me got my new computer... send you a thankyou e-mail... it went something like this...
Subj: A big thankyou...
Date: 10/01/2002 14:52:20 GMT Standard Time
From: Greebo T Cat
To: TimeLord
Hi Timelord...
Sorry me took so long in writing to you... me has been without a computer for nearly a month... ~sad sigh~... but today my new computer arrived... and this is one of the first things me has planned to do... that is write you a great big thankyou e-mail for the lovely surprise you sent me... it was very much appreciated... ~big happy grin~
Me has got so much catching up to do on H2G2... plus trying to read all the e-mails... 517 on outlook express alone... and piles on AOL... darn it... shame that most of them are SPAM... and Post and ACE emails... ~grin~
Me really hopes you had a slendid Christmas... lots of fun and pressies... and other stuff... ~grin~... me had a great time... ate lots... drank a little... and laughed and made merry... ~bigger grin~.... in fact me ate so much that my weighing scales now refuses to have anything to do with me... ~Greebo shrugs~ oh well... no great loss there me thinks...
Will write again shortly...
Me wonders why you didn't recieve it... and me is hoping that me has got your correct address... ~Grin~ just checked and its the same one... as you gave above... hmmmm... the only other reason me can think of is that me must have got you mixed up with one of the hundreds of other TIMELORD's me knows!!!! ~Greebo looks at her address book and notices that she actually doesn't know any other TIMELORD's...~
Still whatever happened to the letter... me can thank you once again via H2G2... you are simply the best... and you send the most terrific surprises... me wishes me could have your address so me could return the compliment.. ~hint... hint~... me has a few things around here that me is sure you would be happy recieving...
The hole from a doughut...
A fur ball... coughed up last week...
The tinkler from the bell on my collar... fell out when me coughed last week... ~grin~
Waaaaaaaaaa!!! Oppsss... sorry... my doggie friend Kolin nearly knocked me off my seat... she's hiding from my other doggie chum Chloe... who keeps jumping on her... Kolin is in season... for the first time... and does not like Chloe's attention... and Chloe... whose just been in season... doesn't seem to understand that she's a girly type dog at the moment... ~Greebo shudders~ Kolin is hiding under the computer desk shivering with fright... me knows this cause me can smell this nasty whiff... Kolin always smells... poor thing... its all the veggies she eats... me has to cook them for her and add them to her meat... she then roots around her bowl... fishes out all the veggies and leaves the meat with a look of disgust... she's an odd doggie... maybe it doesn't help being called Kolin... ~grin~
Sorry... got sidetracked there...
Oh well.. better be off and do something equally as interesting... ~grin~... me is enjoying looking into all the different things this computer has to offer... it to has the pinball... my last computer had ME... er thats the Millenium Edition... not the recently discovered medical problem... though to be honest... my last computer proberly did have ME... thats why it never worked properly... anyway... what me was going to say was... that was why me was used to the pinball... ~grin~... though... this computer has surround sound speakers... hundreds of the... all over the place.... and the sound is wonderful... ho hmmm... ~grin~
ok... thats enough from me... me is sure me has bored you by now... ~grin~... and thankyou for keeping the thought of me near your heart... ~happy grin~... that it were me is the most happy to be...
huggles and wubbles... ~Greebs... xx
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 14, 2002
Its good to know that it go there ok did the drawing of me scare you then i told you i look like the master.
I could just use the hole from a doughnut it would be somewere to keep my life savings.I sent my address to Shazz just before Chrismas so i am sure if you ask nice she will pass it on.But please don't feel you have to send me anything the only thing i realy want is a heart of gold.
I did have a nice Chrismas i spent the day with my brother and is famliy along with my mother.
One last thing you are never boring.*
*Long winded dull humdrum insipid monotonous and wearisome** BUT NEVER BORING.
**OK i got a thesausus for Chrismas
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 14, 2002
Aha... this is amazing.. we are soooooo similar tis spooky... we could almost have been idential twins seperated at birth... er.. except for me being a cat and you being a TIMELORD of course.. ~grin~... me has just about the same amount of savings as you do... ~big grin~ actually me is rather like the royalty in the respect that me seldoms handles money... to be honest... me wouldn't notice for months if we changed over to that Euro thingy... ~Greebo stops and ponders~... we haven't have we???
Ho ho... er.. me actually doesn't laugh like that... ~grin~... are you actually giving me permission to get your address from Shazz??? Me must warn you... that me has always had a habit of sending strange and unusual things through the post... in my younger days... so long ago that tis hard to recollect properly... me had great fun sending rather witty joke letters to people... me particularily liked the one fron NASA... sent to my sister.. telling her an experimental satilite was falling back to Earth and it was going to land in her front garden... as it was expensive she was to keep an eye out for it and get a large blanket and three strong people to stand with her... one at each corner of the blanket to carch the satilite before it hits the ground... that is a short version of course.. ~grin~... me was quite proud of it... there were others of course... many.. many others... ~Greebo gets lost in nostalgia for a while and then joins TIMELORD again~
Me would never FEEL that me had to send you something through the post though... ~grin~...
Oh me loved the picture of you... me stuck it up on my fridge door... it scared me so much that me lost pounds by not being able to get into the fridge to eat all the delectable goodies inside... ~sadful grin~... they all went out of date and the fridge smells really bad now...
Oh lucky you... getting a thesaurus for chrimbo... me always keeps one handy... plus numerous dictionarys.. (not that it helps my spelling in the least)... and several other notable books including a rhyming dictionary... always good for a laugh... you know...
Geezzz.. me writes a lot these days... me must really like you lots you know... ~huggly grin~
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 15, 2002
My dear greebo you have my permission to contact Shazz for my address i would send it to myself but i do not have your e-mail address anymore (i used the link from your page before the change over)
I see what you are saying we are so similar and we all know that only opposites attract you were that repulsed by the drawing of me.
Why do you need a dictionary anyway being a witches cat i thought you would be good at spell-ing*.
*I need help i can't stop it even when i know how bad the joke is.
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 15, 2002
~Grin~... my email address is easy to remember... tis my name GreeboTCat... and me uses
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 15, 2002
I should remember that but you know how it is these days if you don't have to remember things just press 3 on the phone for my brothers house 5 for my mums i remember my grans phone number that i first heard when i was about 7 to this day and she died 10 years ago.
i will add it to my address book and send you an e-mail just to make sure.
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 16, 2002
Me got an email this morning... ~grin~... oh how me loves to read long and thought provoking letters... hmm.. oh... well!!!
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 17, 2002
Well the one i just sent is a little longer i get one like that at the end of every month and thought you might like it.
I met an old girl friend yesterday she told me if she new then what she knows now she would never have gone out with me i asked why what do you know now an optician she replyed.
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 18, 2002
Now now... we are not getting back to that again are we... ~grin~... though me is getting interested in the 'old girlfriend'... or is she just a figment of your strange imagination??? Me is not above getting jealous you know... and me not like that as green doesn't go well with orange...
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 21, 2002
Hmmm... ~Greebo ponders jest~... Isn't that something to do with the skin of lemons...
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 22, 2002
Oh drat.. me is always getting things like that mixed up... ~sheepish grin~... why does zest make you upside down smile... me finds it always makes me go... eer... shuddddddder...
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 24, 2002
Its just the way you suck a lemon i think.
Did you get that e-mail with the disc world monthly?
Enjoyment at H2G2
GreeboTCat Posted Jan 24, 2002
Me tries not to suck lemons if me can possibly help it... me did on the other paw make a lemon jelly yesterday... its still in the fridge... me not touching it.. ~grin~
Me didn't get a discworld monthly email... what was it about?
Enjoyment at H2G2
TIMELORD Posted Jan 24, 2002
I will send it again (its about this place called the disc world)
I asked if you could help me a friend wants a list of all the night watch and i wanted to know if i had missed any.
Key: Complain about this post
Enjoyment at H2G2
- 61: GreeboTCat (Jan 12, 2002)
- 62: TIMELORD (Jan 12, 2002)
- 63: GreeboTCat (Jan 13, 2002)
- 64: TIMELORD (Jan 13, 2002)
- 65: GreeboTCat (Jan 13, 2002)
- 66: TIMELORD (Jan 14, 2002)
- 67: GreeboTCat (Jan 14, 2002)
- 68: TIMELORD (Jan 15, 2002)
- 69: GreeboTCat (Jan 15, 2002)
- 70: TIMELORD (Jan 15, 2002)
- 71: GreeboTCat (Jan 16, 2002)
- 72: TIMELORD (Jan 17, 2002)
- 73: GreeboTCat (Jan 18, 2002)
- 74: TIMELORD (Jan 20, 2002)
- 75: GreeboTCat (Jan 21, 2002)
- 76: TIMELORD (Jan 21, 2002)
- 77: GreeboTCat (Jan 22, 2002)
- 78: TIMELORD (Jan 24, 2002)
- 79: GreeboTCat (Jan 24, 2002)
- 80: TIMELORD (Jan 24, 2002)
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