This is a Journal entry by Researcher U634370
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essjaybee Posted Mar 10, 2004
Dear Corrie
In all the excitement of the last 24 hours, I omitted to wish you and Mr. CB a very, very happy anniversary. Thank you for sharing your petals with me!! I hope you had a lovely dinner last night and that he treated you with the tenderness you deserve. You sound like a very caring person and I just hope that you get back in spades what you give out.
Had a computer crash earlier, half way through reading PG's saga of woe. Now I am back up and running, shall pop over to her and give her a as well.
Are the fur-lined. Don't want any chafe marks to give the game away!!
Hope you enjoy the walk to the ponds this afternoon - weather permitting. You will certainly need a stiff after that! Hope to catch you later
moved to new address Posted Mar 10, 2004
Thank you fir the We had a great time, Darra's first curry! Dan loves hot and spicy but the chef made an extra creamy dish for Darra.
are very fluffy.
PS I've just made a cafe for all of us!!!! Come and have a with me. Go to my page and it's at the bottom - I think.
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 11, 2004
Hi Pamela
Sorry I missed you the other night. Hope you get this message. Thanks again for showing us the way to this place. Your an .
Lots of
U643499 Posted Mar 12, 2004
Getting confused.
Dammit. I know I should not have had that red wine in a tumbler.
Have fun.
pamelamaesteg Posted Mar 15, 2004
hello everyone. You all seem to be getting the hang of it here. There are some great pages appearing.
Thanks for the compliments onmy poems. If anyone's interested I have 24 on a website.the address is from Pamela.
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 15, 2004
Hi Pamela
Thanks for popping in I'm beginning to get the hang of it I think forgotten most of my 's must get around to typing a list. It's all go tho must
off to watch C Street of all things.
See you soon.
U643499 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hello girlies.
Not sure who I am writing to. Just been out dancing and having my first glass of wine.
Can I just say that the R2 message boards have been ok since Monday.
PG made a start on the CB and got a few people involved.
I have tried to make an effort and post as well.
I have to say that Eric the Red is hilarious !!
The C seems to be taking the medication, but who knows.
My other half is off to Espana soon. What a sad time for that country.
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Still got you though Mrs Sweep.
It's my journal you are in! But you are more than welcome as you know. another glass of
while you are here?
U643499 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Sorry, Becks, am I doing it wrong ?
Probably !! I'll go and do whatever it is I have to.
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Hi Jen
Not at all only joking! I'm not sure there is a right or wrong way!
Just that if I didn't know it was you, had you tagged and your U number because you have nothing on your page.!!!!Ooooh your a dark horse Ms Jen Yo Yo, with a wonderous imagination!
Off to bed with
U643499 Posted Mar 16, 2004
Yes, a dark horse that's me.
Actually I was in the 3.20 at Cheltenham today. I was more than likely the favourite. !!
Researcher U634370 Posted Mar 16, 2004
I bet!!!! My great great grandfather by marriage won the Derby three times. A claim to fame.
See you later.
JasonReynolds Posted Apr 5, 2004
Maybe I'm not spending enough time here, my sweetness !! It's not that I've forgotten about you - just got my hands full back in the Coffee Bar, that's all ....... honest !!
U643499 Posted Apr 5, 2004
Saw the thread Radio Reynolds on the CB just now. Brilliant. Helen told me to get in there and read it through.
PS Where's my prize for the quiz ??
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- 21: essjaybee (Mar 10, 2004)
- 22: moved to new address (Mar 10, 2004)
- 23: Researcher U634370 (Mar 11, 2004)
- 24: moved to new address (Mar 11, 2004)
- 25: U643499 (Mar 12, 2004)
- 26: pamelamaesteg (Mar 15, 2004)
- 27: Researcher U634370 (Mar 15, 2004)
- 28: U643499 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 29: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 30: U643499 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 31: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 32: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 33: U643499 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 34: U643499 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 35: Researcher U634370 (Mar 16, 2004)
- 36: JasonReynolds (Apr 5, 2004)
- 37: U643499 (Apr 5, 2004)
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