This is a Journal entry by Santragenius V

Off on holiday - once again

Post 1

Santragenius V

smiley - biggrin

To the west coast of Jutland, leaving tomorrow morning.

No net, though...

See ya!

smiley - zen

Off on holiday - once again

Post 2


smiley - towel

Off on holiday - once again

Post 3



I am sure you are having fun. smiley - biggrin

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 4

Santragenius V

We sure did smiley - biggrin. And smiley - redwinesmiley - smiley

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 5


Just don't try to tell that smiley - redwine isn't fun anymore nowadays. smiley - nahnah

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 6

Santragenius V

smiley - redwine isn't fun anymore nowadays. smiley - nahnah

Had to try.... smiley - tongueout

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 7


smiley - tomato
smiley - zoom

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 8

Santragenius V

<smiley - racket1> - oh no, not a good idea.... smiley - ill

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 9


Have (more) fun smiley - smiley

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 10


Do you think it would be more fun if I'd throw another smiley - tomato, Tartaronne? I mean, we'll have fun, that's for sure but I am not *so* sure he would take it as much fun. smiley - winkeye

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 11


Make it two, Hati smiley - tongueout

smiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 12

Santragenius V

smiley - racket2 Oh, no - double fault smiley - illsmiley - ill...

(does that make it 30-love??)

smiley - tongueout

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 13


smiley - laugh

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 14



Say something, Santra. smiley - smiley

Off on holiday - and back - once again

Post 15

Santragenius V

Something, Santra!

smiley - silly

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