This is a Journal entry by Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

Name Change

Post 1

Midnight of Sevenshades (Z.Z)

T'was only a matter of time (alas) until my alter ego got the best of me and forced me to change to my web-wide alias of Midnight in it's entirety...too much Dungeons and Dragons will have that effect though. Midnight is only an extension of my psyche after all.smiley - biggrin

Call me what you may, Z.Z or Midnight. *shrugs* I answer to either smiley - winkeye

~*LM*~ (as in Lady Midnight)

Character Profile - as commonly encountered in online RPGs, Sardis is played by my partner as both a travelling companion and 'love-interest':

Name: Ambriel Varen
Alias: Lady Midnight of Sevenshades (Midnight)
Class: Sorceress
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 24 yrs
Height: 5' 3"
Build: Slim
Hair & Eye colour: Hair - Dark Brown, Eyes - Blue-Grey
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Costume: Midnight's most notable item is her irridescent amethyst coloured cloak, beneath this she wears a skirted dark blue tunic with belt, black leggings and a pair of brown knee high leather boots.
Profession: Herbalist & Diviner
Alignment: Neutral-Good
Skills: Herblore, Alchemy, First Aid, Arcane Knowledge
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dragonic, Goblin, Infernal.
Weapons Used: Daggers, Staff & Light Crossbow
Magical Items Owned:
Ebony Staff - Defends Owner from harm by spells, cannot be parted from owner.
Enchanted Daggers (x3): Small silver throwing daggers enchanted with the following spells - Light(flare), Darkness & Invisibility which effect target or caster at discretion.
Cloak of Shadows: Grants wearer ability to hide in plain sight as long as they are in shade.

Once cursed to serve the Demon Prince, Asengard, Midnight now travels the length and breadth of the lands seeking to atone for the crimes she committed whilst under his influence. After a near fatal battle with the demon, she banished him to the Abyss but he is strong and not easily bested. She must be ever vigilant for at any moment he can exert his will over her from his prison causing her to turn against those around her with murderous intent.

An event such as this saw her recently take the life of a member of the Royal House Guards which has lead to her fleeing her homeland. There is a high reward offered for her capture. Should she return to Sevenshades she will hang for her crime. She is currently travelling with a half-elf Paladin by the name of Sardis Talon.

Name Change

Post 2


kewl name....smiley - smiley

Name Change

Post 3


ach, the brain. very cool name, indeed. well, zz and lm have the same amount of letters, so i will call you whatever occurs. smiley - winkeye

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