This is a Journal entry by Mustapha

Big Momma's House

Post 1


First impressions are "Mrs Doubtfire", but BMH is a lot less pretentious and a lot funnier. And Robin Williams is nowhere in sight.

Ok, sure, Martin Lawrence's act is the same one he's used before, but it's not nearly as worn out as Williams'.

BMH is a big old 'Happy Meal' of a movie - it's not Michelin-rated dining but you know exactly what you're getting, and it'll fill you up until you can eat something more nutritious.

Big Momma's House

Post 2


I was forced to see this movie against my will. But it turned out alright.

Ok, dumb plot, nothing new here whatsoever. But ML is quite watchable. A helluva lot more watchable than Eddie Murphy.

And no way am I going to see his Nutty Professor sequel. The preview is irredeemable.

Big Momma's House

Post 3


ML *is* quite watchable, and quite surprising that his 15 minutes of fame has lasted this long.

I don't know about there being *nothing* new. I certainly would've remembered seeing a nude scene like the one in this film...

Big Momma's House

Post 4


True, Mustapha. Has there ever been a bathroom scene quite like that: toilet followed by strip!

I only hope Hollywood doesn't try to push that particular boundary back any further.smiley - winkeye

Big Momma's House

Post 5


Beats the hell out of a bidet...

Big Momma's House

Post 6


That scene must have been an interesting challenge for the sound effects department!smiley - smiley

Big Momma's House

Post 7


The importance of good sound FX in comedy is highly unappreciated.

IMHO, the Kings of Comedy Sound are the SFX people from Bottom, Britain's answer to The Three Stooges at least in terms of comedic violence. The satisfyingly painful crunch of a nutshot, or the fart that sounds uncannily like a small motorbike - these shall always be things of amusement.

Big Momma's House

Post 8


I'd like to see the resumé of a sound effects person. Do people grow up dreaming of spending their adult life making strange noises in dark rooms? Oops, that sort of question could lead almost anywhere!smiley - winkeye

Big Momma's House

Post 9


There are a small group of people who, due to a happy accident in their brain's wiring, are literally able to see sounds or hear colours, or smells, etc. Perhaps this is the case with some sound effects people, or anyone with an affinity for music, though perhaps not to the same extreme.

But it does seem to be the only explanation for someone like Star Wars' Ben Burtt who came up with the idea of combining a baby elephant trumpeting with a car driving over a wet road to make the sound of a TIE fighter.

Big Momma's House

Post 10


Many of the incidental sounds in movies, such as the striking of a match, the closing of a door, are not picked up properly during filming. So they're added later. But the sound of a match striking may not necessarily be made with a match. Sometimes the real thing doesn't sound 'real' enough, so they use something - anything - else.

Big Momma's House

Post 11


Aah, the old "car-door slam" punch...

Big Momma's House

Post 12


At least, I hope they don't pick up the sounds during filming.

I'd be much more comfortable if I thought Big Momma's toilet episode was done with sound effects, rather than the 'real' thing!smiley - bigeyes

Big Momma's House

Post 13


You're not a fan of "reality" tv or film then?

The next big BBC medical doco - The Miracle of Flatulence...

Big Momma's House

Post 14


Reality? Like snuff movies? I think I can only handle a certain amount of reality!smiley - winkeye

Big Momma's House

Post 15


I think a doco on flatulence would be more of 'sniff movie'...

Big Momma's House

Post 16


Gross!smiley - bigeyes

Did Gladiator pass your way yet? Determined *not* to see Patriot, we decided to see Gladiator again. And it does stand up to a second viewing.

Big Momma's House

Post 17


I think Patriot is out this week, Gladiator might be out next week.

Big Momma's House

Post 18


I believe Patriot is not so much a BOAT, more a CRAP (Cinematic Rewrite of American Past).smiley - winkeye (That word has more meaning in England than the US - you'll probably know that!)

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