This is a Journal entry by kokeshi

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Post 1


Little by little we made changes to our timetable, ordered new textbooks containing more relevent studies, redecorated our classroom in subtle sea shades and bought heavily-textured hangings to create an aura more conducive to thought. Fine coffees and herbal infusions were ordered through the canteen, whose staff had proved resistant to our method and had walked out en masse at the sight of the first "I make this food because I hate people" stricker: fortunately, by that stage many of the teaching staff had reached a level of morale more conducive to their taking on more menial roles within the school. Life was good. The project proceeded apace.

Compulsory subject

Post 2


I think you'll find that thwere's a spelling mistake there: unless I'm much mistaken, there's an extranoues "r" in "stricker", assuming you wished to write "sticker", of course.

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Post 3


Pot! Pot! You're black! by the way I am a kettle.

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Post 4


this is me adding a comment

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