This is a Journal entry by ianhimself

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 1


somebody criticised one of my babies today...well, late last night when i was asleep to be precise, but no can't be awake defending your early prose efforts all the time...he said it left him feeling "so what".... which is, of course, how it should have left him feeling...being, as it was, about the arbitrary intrusion of unexpected death into the warp & woof of mundane life... in fact "so what" is probably the only response we can make that has integrity...."so what" is one of the most fundamental questions that a thinking human can face...

anyway, as usual i digress....i wasn't offended by his comments... though i wish he had disliked the style, or the structure, or the choice of adverbs, nouns and pronouns rather than the philosophical subtext...because it was an early baby ... some might say premature...and my grasp of structure style and syntax was to say the least sketchy back then...having grown up in belfast, however, my understanding of the death/life matrix was somewhat more developed...

but we criticise what we criticise.... and all criticism is welcome...

ironically the next thread down in my conversation list informed me that the baby was to be featured in The Post man's meat eh...!

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 2

Trout Montague

It is noted that you have started using the abbreviated form in the entitlement of your diurnal postings. Please ameliorate.

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 3


i have no idea what this comment means

i'm irish, internatinoally deemed to be one sandwich short of a lunchbox

- can someone pass me a cheese on rye?

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 4

Trin Tragula

I can do you a strawberry jam on slightly stale smiley - erm

Must get down the shops smiley - run

Like plunging into the ocean in winter, asking for criticism is something you know will invigorate you, but you also know it's going to hurt, make your heart freeze, all the time you're calling back to the beach that everything's fine.

Sometimes the function of criticism is to allow you to see more clearly how very, very right you were in the first place, of course smiley - biggrin

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 5


Which baby ?

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 6


the "ordinary day" one ......

i agree it's no work of genius ....

smiley - laugh

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 7


Oh, I wouldn't quite say that......but where's your flak

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 8


some conversation called "ordinary day" or "ordinary work" or something like that...

it's on there somewhere

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 9


smiley - runsmiley - puff

Oh, I see, it's the Agatha Christie fan

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 10


smiley - biggrin yeah

you say some great things about my stuff... kinder than it's worth

thank you

smiley - cheers

wed 6th sept 2006

Post 11


smiley - winkeye

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