This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

In the waiting room

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I spent about an hour in the waiting room at the surgery today. My usual doctor had called in sick so things were a little less tranquil than they usually are there. But never mind; I don't mind waiting, especially when feel like death warmed over and I don't have the energy for anything other than an ostentatious display of patience.

I could have read an ancient copy of the New Yorker or something, but I decided to rest my eyes instead. I just sat there and watched people.

You hear such fascinating things in waiting rooms. You also hear mind-numbingly boring things, courtesy of the two women of a certain age who were poring over some glossy magazine or other and discussing celebrity weight loss/weight gain/dysentery or whatever it was with every indication that they thought this trash genuinely mattered.

The woman next to me was obviously employed at the government department next dor to the surgery. I could tell by the fact that she was proofreading documents from that department. Making use of downtime is one thing, but proofreading government documents in public is a damned silly idea. (They were boring documents too - I had a good read. Being longsighted has its dubious advantages.)

Then there was the double amputee in a wheelchair who would keep on rolling around the room at high speed and occasionally apologising for flattening other people's toes. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I've got nothing against feet or legs. I remember mine fondly.' That was slightly disturbing, to be honest.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room a dopey-looking girl was having a loud conversation on her mobile. 'Yeah, I got it workin' again. Didn't I tell you? I dropped the bloody phone while I was boilin' rice the other day and it stopped workin', but now the bloody thing's come good.' If anyone wants to know what sort of phone survives being boiled, it was a Nokia.

Finally, my name was called and I could escape...

(I'm at home for the rest of the week.)

smiley - illIvan.

In the waiting room

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Of course it was a Nokia smiley - biggrin *waves Finnish flag proudly*

Take care of yourself now - staying at home, you'll have plenty of time to read the NaJoPoMo postings of other researchers *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

In the waiting room

Post 3

Ivan the Terribly Average

I see someone's re-read all of yours in order today. smiley - cool

In the waiting room

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yeah, that was indeed smiley - cool although I had to post in one of my favourite threads so that it wouldn't slip too far down my list of conversations.

People watching is one of my favourite things do to, especially while sipping a vanilla latte, seated in the Central railway station in Stockholm - there's always a lot going on there. It's like a microcosmos of the smiley - earth

In the waiting room

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Nokia's will survive the nuclear winter... But I've no idea if cockroaches have the appropiate opposable thumbs, necessary to type out texts to each other... smiley - biggrin

In the waiting room

Post 6


smiley - cheerup

In the waiting room

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Mine's a Nokia, and I wouldn't change it for any of those new fangles all singing, all dancing phones!

Sorry you are under the weather, Ivan. smiley - hug

Get well soon smiley - smooch

lil x

In the waiting room

Post 8


Glad to hear you're home for the rest of the week.

Once while I was in an emergency room waiting room waiting for my father, I heard a mobile conversation in which this woman discussed her recent miscarriage.

In the waiting room

Post 9

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

get well soon Ivan smiley - hug

In the waiting room

Post 10

You can call me TC

I can't imagine anyone in Germany buying a Nokia, after they backed out of Bochum. They got a huge Government grant for setting up there, then after a few years, moved the factory to the Czech republic, leaving thousands out of a job and not paying anything back. I'm not happy with my Samsung, but I'm not getting a Nokia. Nosirree.

In the waiting room

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

For us of Finnish origin, Nokia isn't just about mobiles, but also wellies and tires. Quite good looking wellies too, long before it became fashionable to make 'cool' wellies. Rubber products, that's how Nokia started out.

In the waiting room

Post 12

Ivan the Terribly Average

TC, if you're not planning on boiling your phone there shouldn't be a problem with not having a Nokia...

In the waiting room

Post 13

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

mines a mobile phonesmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermbut it don't move unless I carry itsmiley - erm

In the waiting room

Post 14

Researcher 14993127

Conversation snippet overheard in my surgery waiting room.

"Hi Mary, how are you, haven't seen you for ages"
Mary "I'm really well Sally, how are you?"
Sally "Oh, couldn't be better"

Err, ok, so what were they using up 2 appts to see a doctor for in the first place if they're so well? smiley - huh

smiley - cat

In the waiting room

Post 15

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I last went to my doctor for my annual checkup/ prescription renewal. I go in mid-afternoon and there is never anyone else there.

The wheelchair bit was actually kind of funny, Ivan. Reminds me of something we saw at the zoo recently that was somewhat disturbing.

My first cellphone was a Nokia. I've been using a Motorola for ages because it was free when I switched carriers in 2003 (my old company was bought out by one that sucks, so I switched to another one that sucks somewhat less). My next one will be a Nokia even if I have to pay for it.

In the waiting room

Post 16

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - hug

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