This is a Journal entry by NoSuchMethod

Entry 3

Post 1


* This is Entry 3 because Entry 2 died of a sudden heart attack on her way to the journal.
** Interestingly enough, more than 95% of all journal entries are female.
*** The scientific reason for this, if there is any, is as of yet unknown.

Haphazard quote: "Because each leaf in the tree has only one parent, we can be certain that there is only one parent for any given leaf in the tree." - Unnamed Computer Science Prof

Horoscope: Neptune and Jupiter, in alignment with the bright yellow star in the top left, anonymously voted that eating greasy take-out for three meals today was unavoidable.

T42 Play of the Day: Dave blocked a strong 32 hand by unexpectedly trumping out the 6-6. Unfortunately, the hand was in the possession of this author at the time.

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