This is a Journal entry by Websailor
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Photographers Unite
Websailor Started conversation Dec 12, 2009
So many of us carry cameras or camera phones now that I found this rather disturbing. I thought it might be of interest to others too.
The related articles at the bottom make interesting reading.
Photographers Unite
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Dec 12, 2009
i cant see the site as i dont have internet acsess, i dont have a mobile phone of any kind, and if i do any photos its with a £5 flash, disposable.
the only camera i have ever owned was a box brownie, many,many, years ago.
if you have seen the hull ones.and the bradford ones, i took, a £5 throwaway is good enough for me.
- jimbob
Photographers Unite
Smudger879n Posted Dec 12, 2009
Personally I think its just Big Brother in action again, trying to justify their reason to stop folk from taking photos? Its just scaremongering, and using terrorism as an excuse!
After all, look how often we get filmed every day, just going about our normal business, your probably on film from as soon as you get into your car, all the way through from parking it and shopping then driving home again.
I think its just another "thing" dreamed up the P/Correct Brigade, who I totally despise!!!
Photographers Unite
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Dec 12, 2009
hi smudger
i made the same comparison on the cctv ones we are on in one full day, in a journal a few years ago.
and now they are even having talking ones in some towns.
in a film, it was in a tv set in each house, how long before they do this for real, in the name of terrorism. then, big brother will be watching. jimbob
Photographers Unite
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Dec 12, 2009
It happened to MMF when he was trying to take pics for some London Entries. He was warned by the police not to take pictures for those very same reasons.
Photographers Unite
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Dec 12, 2009
if i remeber right, it wasnt long ago, some plane enthusiast where taking photos, inocently, and whernt they arrested. jimbob
Photographers Unite
zendevil Posted Dec 13, 2009
This makes me seethe!!!
I used to be a freelance photographer; i took quite a few 'candid' photos of people going about their everyday lives; but once i had taken the pix; i always went & told them i had done so, asked them if it was OK & invited them to see the print, edit it if they wished. In return they got a free 10 X 8 inch print.
I never had any problems.
So: if we photograph a blade of grass in London, we are assumed to be terrorists?
Obviously, taking pix of military installations might be considered suspicious, but as to the rest....i'm glad my eyes are failing me, as my words are also. For goodness sake, what next? What if we want to paint a picture of the Houses of Parliament? Is that considered an act of espionage?
Photographers Unite
Websailor Posted Dec 13, 2009
It seems that the uniform is making some of the lower ranks pompous and officious. I read a columnist a while back who says 'give 'em a uniform and they will abuse the power it gives them' and it seems often to be the case, sadly.
I just thought it was worth warning people. After all if you are prepared and know what they can and cannot do it is less scary. As was pointed out all the public buildings of note can be viewed in detail at your leisure on Street View so it really is ridiculous, but unpleasant nevertheless.
Photographers Unite
Willem Posted Dec 13, 2009
Yes, ridiculous, unpleasant, heavy-handed, meddlesome, over-reactive, control-freakish ... any more adjectives anybody?
Photographers Unite
Willem Posted Dec 13, 2009
Way to attract visitors! "Come visit London! But don't take pictures - we have difficulty telling tourists from terrorists."
Photographers Unite
Sho - employed again! Posted Dec 13, 2009
Years and years ago, when I was doing my A-levels and listening to John Peel on a daily basis, there was a song called Terrorists Love Tourists.
Photographers Unite
Sho - employed again! Posted Dec 13, 2009
oh and I clicked the link, but there was no article. Any chance of a summary?
Photographers Unite
Websailor Posted Dec 13, 2009
Try this link:
one of the pages should open for you I think.
Briefly, Police and other authorities are targeting ordinary people taking photos all around the UK as possible terrorist suspects and warning them off. As usual the 'guidelines' leave room for heavy handed policing with no respect for common sense! I think that about sums it up. Know your rights and the rules is good advice.
Photographers Unite
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Dec 13, 2009
on the lines of london,
i only have the digi acsess, but can acsess the london jamcams, all over london, and in the tunnels(not moving, just 5 min updates).
in the last few years, more and more have been, made, "blocked for security reason" on all the center ones.
at xmas, i liked to spend one of the nights, when all the lights where on, just looking at each in turn. now they are getting fewer and fewer, each year. jimbob
Photographers Unite
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 13, 2009
Smudger, being stopped taking photos is nothing to do with being politically correct.
Political correctness means not hurting minorities by careless talk. It's something we all should try to do.
Photographers Unite
BMT Posted Dec 14, 2009
It's definitely over the top when you think they actually provide viewing areas at all major airports where you can both take pictures and film aircraft, runways etc.
Wonder if they stopped the Google Earth Mapping car from taking pics in inner London? (must have a look when I get a minute)
Photographers Unite
zendevil Posted Dec 14, 2009
haven't actually looked; i have very little interest in London, but:
I suppose if someone was interested, it might prove a handy guide?
Photographers Unite
Websailor Posted Dec 15, 2009
Just had a very quick look at the UK version. Street View doesn't seem to be available in crucial areas. No time to venture further, but certainly Street View generally makes a nonsense of the matter.
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Photographers Unite
- 1: Websailor (Dec 12, 2009)
- 2: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Dec 12, 2009)
- 3: Smudger879n (Dec 12, 2009)
- 4: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Dec 12, 2009)
- 5: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 12, 2009)
- 6: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Dec 12, 2009)
- 7: zendevil (Dec 13, 2009)
- 8: Websailor (Dec 13, 2009)
- 9: Willem (Dec 13, 2009)
- 10: Websailor (Dec 13, 2009)
- 11: Willem (Dec 13, 2009)
- 12: Websailor (Dec 13, 2009)
- 13: Sho - employed again! (Dec 13, 2009)
- 14: Sho - employed again! (Dec 13, 2009)
- 15: Websailor (Dec 13, 2009)
- 16: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Dec 13, 2009)
- 17: Gnomon - time to move on (Dec 13, 2009)
- 18: BMT (Dec 14, 2009)
- 19: zendevil (Dec 14, 2009)
- 20: Websailor (Dec 15, 2009)
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