This is a Journal entry by Websailor

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 1


After all the fashionable pet disasters, such as the Ninja Turtle craze, it seems people have learnt nothing:

This is not a suitable Christmas present no matter how cute they aresmiley - doh

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 2


If you scroll down the page you will see some eminently sensible comments from other people.

Thanks LadyDig for bringing it to my attention smiley - ta

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm surprised it's not forbidden to breed and sell them. We have so called 'Rotwangenschildkröten' (apparently translates as red-eared-turtle) here which were bought, then got rid off, and our own turtles are nearly extinct as a consequence!

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 4


Some of the little turtles that were dumped here in pools in parks etc. in the 80s are now as big as dinner plates and affecting local wildlife!

I can't imagine why they are allowed to import or breed them. I think this will cause a bit of a rumpus which might put a stop to it. I hope so.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 5


I have just googled African pygmy hedgehogs and there are sales adverts galore for them.

smiley - steam

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 6

Moving On

£250 quid??? smiley - yikes

That's £50 an inch, she says flippantly.

And for what? to have the dubious privelidge of treating a rare animal as a ruddy fashion accessory. For fashion. For fun. To be "in"

It's NOT an accessory, it's a living creature forced to exist in an alien environment.smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - cross

(And naturally, the thought of making a massive profit didn't occur to the seller... of course not, oh deary me, how very unbelievably twee to even consider that possiblity he's a venal sick, greedy smiley - erm whateveyou)

Honestly, I could chew iron and spit rust at the sheer obsenity of it. I really do hope the rumpus you've drawn attention to *does put a stop to it WS.

Stomps off soapbox , quite surprised how outraged and miffed finding out about this has made me feel. These people call themselves human???? Don't get me started!

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 7


Woah, calm down dear smiley - rofl After I searched I was shocked at how long it had been going on for, and that there are eight breeders in this country already. It is a cross between two animals so it has been meddled with already smiley - grr

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 8

Moving On

Sorry Webbiesmiley - blush...but stuff like that really *really gets me all full of righteous indignation. I could *still* crush a grape and rant a bit more, but I won't.. for (e)sure!smiley - biggrin

Especially the genetically modified stuff...smiley - ill

I wonder what the breeders definition of "civilized" is?

Purely out of academic interest, obviouslysmiley - winkeye

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 9


Thanks, Webbie, for posting this. I can't tell you how delighted I am that there's such anger on the subject. What really bugs me, as I said to you, is that these are the sort of fickle wesin(anag) who'll want rid as soon as the novelty wears off, and the poor little SandSs will be put out to compete with the natives, and will assuredly come off worst.

On a happier note, can I tell the world that Bristle, my over-wintering hoglet, who came in at 120gm now weighs 565gm. He will stay until the Spring and will go to join his brethren without a backward glance, as he has NEVER been a pet, hard though that has been for me!!!

Dig smiley - senior

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 10


Thanks Ev smiley - rofl

LadyDig, that is lovely news about your hoglet. What a wonderful, rewarding and patient thing to do smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly Please let us know what happens when you release it. Perhaps it will come and visit smiley - biggrin

Reading up on the other poor things, they sleep during the day, and race round a wheel all night. Now that's not much fun for kids, and some people would find the wheel a right pain, so leading to the release of the poor confused little animal in to who knows what dangers. It certainly couldn't survive have been 'spoonfed' minced meat of all sorts!

I wonder if any hoo tooers happen to have one alreadysmiley - dohsmiley - grr

Websailor smiley - dragon

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 11

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

we need help with our own

in winter, a hedgehog needs to be no less than 1.5lb in weight to survive through a winter period and with the warmer climate, they are having 2 breeding times now and the late ones born, haven't the time to get that amount of fat taken on

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - grr

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

in line with the prof post.
i saw on a programme the other day, that the hedgehogs in britain, becuase of the new motorways and more cars on the road where being decimated.
websailor, if you lok at the way, paris hilton takes her small dog to even places like night clubs, even at £250 it will be im sad to say, the "in thing" till people that get the "socalled"accsesory get bored with them, and could be stupid to let then loose in the garden. smiley - dragon jimbob

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

People have been selling these hedgehogs in the States for years!

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 15

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

solution, let them keep them in the states, the hedgehog is in the garden, not as a pet as such, or "an acsesory" what will it be next,a live scarab beettle, with diamonds on the shell, on a glod chain. the mind boggles.smiley - dragon jimbob

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ggrr k/board glitched again, beatle, and gold.

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

A friend of mine met a woman who had a live beetle brooch, on a gold chain. It walked all over her lapel and shoulder.

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i beleive at one time there was a few that mimiced a film,"valley of the dolls" in it a woman had a beatle on a chain, but luckely it didnt catch on, and the film i think didnt do to well at the box office,"might have the wrong film" could be the followup"return to the valley of the dolls",smiley - dragon jimbob

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 19


I agree, this is insane! That people cannot think beyond 'cuteness'!!!

Will People Never Learn?!

Post 20

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - evilgrinsmiley - winkeyelook at it this waysmiley - whistle

you can play darts with one and get 180 every throw

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