This is a Journal entry by DickieP

Hangover Cure

Post 1


Been trying Lemsip as a hangover cure recently. It's got that nice tangy edge to it that you need after a night on the beers. Unfortunately, I've just tried it on a wine hangover and it's causing all sorts of nonsense to go on in my guts which really isn't helping at all.
Still, we live and learn. Probably.

Hangover Cure

Post 2


oooh if you find a cure please tell me...I've been searching for one myself...::gives sympathy:: Wine hangovers are by far the worst...though there is no cure for them...I find the only way not to take knife to my wrenching bowels during them is to lay on the bathroom floor...(hopefully the floor is lenoleum...exactly what heaven is upholstered with) with towel on head...praying to the all mighty bob that i dont get any bright ideas about buying economical "5 liter boxes" o' wine again.

Hangover Cure

Post 3


Ahhh...the wine box of the devil. I know it well.
Have found that taking a multivitamin helps, though it's not an immediate hit.

Hangover Cure

Post 4


Multi vitamins huh? Is that for any hangover or for "WINE HANGOVERS", because from my experience, wine hangovers are unlike any other. Drinking water, movement, all these things are almost impossible with wine hangovers. What is it about wine, that makes it different from say...drinking an entire flask of southern comfort? (i find the hangovers quite different) If you know anything about it I'd be much obliged. I shall try the multivitamin theory out during my next "time".

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