This is a Journal entry by Menza

18th March

Post 1


Tonight we have a televisual feast. Vic and Bob have done a remake of Randell and Hopkirk (Deceased). Its on BBC 1 at 8:55. smiley - bigeyes

18th March

Post 2

Fate Amenable To Change

And it is fab isn't it ? smiley - smiley
Next installment tonight.. Which has Tom Baker in it! Fabulous stuff!!

18th March

Post 3


Its great, but not a patch on the original. And they are following the original plot lines. smiley - smiley

18th March

Post 4

Fate Amenable To Change

Are they really? I never got into the originals - either becos I don't watch much telly or becos I just didn't find them appealing - the only reason I am watching the remake is becos it has Vic and Bob in it!
I like the way that you can't really tell what era they are supposed to be in thanks to the clothes and cars etc . Think that is a nice touch.

18th March

Post 5


It must be said that they are only just sticking to the original plot. They have embelished it quite a bit. But then the original did date quite a lot, but it was still really good.

18th March

Post 6

Fate Amenable To Change

You should have ICQ Menz smiley - smiley
Have you heard why they did it? Apparently they were asked years ago what programme they would have liked to have been in and RandH was the first thing they sadi. Not cos they were fans or ought. They just said it.

18th March

Post 7


I did know why they did it, and good on them I say. Said something silly and stuck by it. smiley - winkeye

And you know why I don't have ICQ, it keep wrecking my computer.

18th March

Post 8


but was the original that good? I have fond memories of it (used to watch the weekly episodes), but I happend to see an episode not so long ago and... *shudder*

Try using Bantu messenger Menza (thats a tongue twister), its icq, yim and msnim in one and it cannot damage your pc smiley - smiley

18th March

Post 9


Can I quote you on that last bit. smiley - winkeye

Got a hand URL to find it?

18th March

Post 10

Fate Amenable To Change

Well done for ICQ return Menzy!
And I don't know the original R and H at all.

18th March

Post 11


if you hadn't guessed yet, the URL is

18th March

Post 12


Cheers, but I found that ICQ had a later vertion of their stuff out so I installed that instead. smiley - smiley

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