This is a Journal entry by Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Started conversation Jan 6, 2000
It's slowed down completely! It takes about five minutes before it can actually FIND h2g2, let alone start contacting it! Sometimes it tells me it's too busy, or non-existent, when I know perfectly well it isn't because I'm chatting to or emailing people who are here! GRRRRRR!!
And now it's even started doing it with other sites! It won't access my email account for AGES..and when it does it take FAR too long to load up. I'm usually very tolerant with Netscape, and am patient when it freezes for ten minutes and won't let me to any other windows, but this is too far. It is NOT taking my h2g2 away from me.
I don't know why it does it. I've tried clearing the cache, closing all open windows other than Netscape, hitting the computer, etc, nothing seems to work. I downloaded it about two weeks ago - it's Netscape 4.7 - and it hadn't given me any problems up until New Year's Eve (but, no, it's DEFINITELY not bug-related).
So... Can anyone help me? I mean ANYONE! Anything you can think of to try and get this problem solved, before I go ma-... Stark-raving-bonkers.
Oh and this is also my excuse for not hanging round enough to do all my postings.
Hipster, The happening handsomest Posted Jan 7, 2000
I'm absolutely and positively certain that your problems are not caused by netscape. They're more indicative of a poorly performing ISP. Maybe your ISP had a lot of people sign up over the Christmas period. There are tons of so called 'free' ones out there. Give another one a go. As for h2g2, I suspect their servers and the nature of how the forums are utilised means they're under constant strain. I seem to recall reading that they're about to upgrade their software so things may improve soon. Also, a poorly performing mail server just lends to the argument of it being your ISP even more.
Hitting the computer, threatening to stick 200+ volts up its interface, swearing at it or clicking the mouse a thousand times does nothing to improve ISP performance in my experience.
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Jan 7, 2000
Hmm.... that's a good point.
We're with Telewest, and apparently they're meant to be cheaper than BT. Hmm.. In the long run I guess i'm spending more time online and therefore spending about the same money as i would if it was a normal server...... Right?
With reference to your last paragraph, hitting the computer, threatening to stick 200+ volts up its interface, swearing at it or
clicking the mouse a thousand times actually works wonders for mental health.
Hipster, The happening handsomest Posted Jan 11, 2000
Come February there will be a lot of unmetered internet accounts available. That is, you pay a one off monthly fee and get unlimited access via a frephone number. It will probably be around the £25 - £40 per month mark. Although some companies are saying they're going to offer completely free internet access that's payed for through banner advertising. This sounds feasible when you consider that All Advantage pay 30p per hour for you to have 1 of their banners on screen. Make sure you use my referal id if you sign up for that by the way. It's hdx459 or use this address...
Hmm.. I wonder if I'll get away with spamming that on here.
Anyway, there's little harm trying one of the other so called free providers right now. I can't see there being much difference in cost between them and Telewest. Try to restrict your usage to evenings (after 6pm) and weekends though. You probably already know this.
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