This is a Journal entry by Glaws

Oh no I can't seem to leave

Post 1


Must go and study, must go and study - don't want tosmiley - bigeyes

Study now play later...

Go on smiley - winkeye

F**k off

Please yourself, but you won't pass unless you study.

Buggersmiley - bigeyes

Oh no I can't seem to leave

Post 2


let me sympathise, empathise, whatever

good luck getting yourself to leave - in my recent experience it usually takes
a) a crowbar
b) falling asleep in front of the computer
c) an extreme fear of failure
d) other h2g2 researchers reminding you it's time to study
e) all of the above

good luck for the exams - i'd send you sunbeams, but that's Zed's bag, so i'm afraid you'll have to make do with moonshine and starlight smiley - smiley


Oh no I can't seem to leave

Post 3


*on cue*

Here you go Glaws, a jar of sunshine. I hope it brightens your day! Much luck with the 'zams.

Hey wow, now you have the full set of Moon, Stars and Sun. You could open your own planet-arium!


Oh no I can't seem to leave

Post 4


Thank you both! After a hard day of studying I'll open a nice bottle of chianti (planetarium tomorrowsmiley - bigeyes, I promise), although the Jalfrezi has somewhat killed the taste of it - and please no naked flames near mesmiley - winkeye.

Cheers again


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