This is a Journal entry by Hannannah_Astra

Living in the Universe we call Big

Post 1


Hi, this is Hannannah Astra reporting from the planet known as mostly harmless.
One thing that I wonder, often around three in the morning after one to many chocolate covered coffee beans, is what era will we be? I mean, in Victorian times it was all pretty simple.
'What shall we call ourselves?'
'What's our Queen called?'
'Right then, we're Vicorians.'
'Great. Fancy a pint?'
Basic, do you not agree? We can hardly be Elizabethans, as there have already been some. It would be an awful pain to be known as the Technoligical era because, well, there was technology before us, wasn't there? Not very original.
By three thirty this would really bug me and sleep would be out of the question. So, people, solve it for me. What should we be called? See you in my forum...

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Living in the Universe we call Big

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