This is a Journal entry by Pastey
Small Writing Gig
Pastey Started conversation Jun 19, 2016
As if running that there brewery wasn't enough work (believe me, it is!) I've taken on a small writing gig.
CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, have a quarterly magazine with a double page spread on homebrewing. The chap who's been doing this for a while now has decided to step down, and it seems I've been selected to take over.
It's only 1000 words every three months, but it should be great publicity for the brewery!
Small Writing Gig
Icy North Posted Jun 19, 2016
Is there no beginning to this man's talents?
If you're plugging your own business, they'll soon detect your motives. You'll have to name-check your competitors too.
Small Writing Gig
Pastey Posted Jun 20, 2016
Thankfully with it being homebrewing I shouldn't have to worry about plugging any brewery, but, er, it might slip...
Small Writing Gig
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Jun 21, 2016
Yay, goodluck on your writing I hope it goes well and is another feather for your hat I hope things are going well with the brewery too and that you still get the same enjoyment out of it as you did when you were brewing in your own shed at home, good luck Pastey and long may it continue
Small Writing Gig
Pastey Posted Oct 30, 2016
Well, it's now out there!
I've taken over the homebrew column for CAMRA's quarterly BEER magazine, sent out (either paper or electronic) to every single one of their members!
The first one's in print now, the second one is a month past its deadline
Small Writing Gig
Pastey Posted Nov 1, 2016
Only if you're a CAMRA member.
Although there's a photo of it here:
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Small Writing Gig
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