This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 1


there are bigger cycles to break.


Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

like motorcycles... bicycles... tricycles... popsicles... wait, that last one isn't right.

hullo, friend. smiley - smiley


Post 3


hey, long time no... type... er, something. smiley - smiley

why hasn't anyone been posting in our old conversation forum? or has that gotten old? smiley - smiley well, hello, anyway. what's new? how's your summer been going?


Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

with the old forum, possum went and made a new one-- it's on his page, but not very many people are talking there either.

summer life is blah... i had a total and complete breakdown last night over nothing. first time since i can remember that i cried for more than 30 seconds. not much else is interesting. i had a really cool dream last night (and the one before) that i think i might write into short stories (even though my short stories stink pretty badly) cause they were that interesting. i've also just finished reading c.s.lewis's "the 4 loves"-- if you have time, it's a great book. he's a mite wordy, but there are some great ideas in the book. and, um, yeah, that just about sums up my summer experience until now. i'm waiting for a college friend of my mom's and her daughter to come to our house this evening, and i'm going to virginia on vacation later this week, but otherwise life's pretty dull and normal. though i guess i shouldn't really be complaining....

how is... er... stuff? smiley - smiley


Post 5


stuff is... good. i guess. the normal boredom and depression, of course. smiley - smiley once again struggling w/my friendship w/chris. sigh. sometimes i get so tired, but whether we're friends or not, we seem to make each other's lives difficult, so i guess it's better to have him than not. anyway, i sent you an email back about your poem. i gotta go. talk later.


Post 6

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

hey, btw, chris sent out an email to all the staff writers about their assignments... just so you know. i, of course, had to bug him about it a bit, but he *did* get it done.

his excuse: he was on vacation. smiley - tongueout bleck. not a good excuse, is it? smiley - winkeye anyway, that's all for me. let me know when you get back from your vacation...


Post 7


hey! yes, he was on vaycay smiley - winkeye and i think i've forgiven him for being late, he had some problems getting home (their flight was canceled, they lost his luggage, etc.) so, you know, don't want to give him a hard time. smiley - smiley

hey, how do you do that smiley face w/the tongue sticking out!?! that's cool! smiley - smiley

ok, well, i'm about done. smiley - smiley talk later.


Post 8

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

you do the smiley like so: : - P only without the spaces so it comes out like so: smiley - tongueout

nuff for here... i'll talk to you on IM or the phone or whatever... much easier than this. smiley - smiley

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