This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 1


it snowed. it *snowed* in *april*. and i had to stand out in it at four in the morning coming back form the cast party.

i'm incredibly upset (more than likely i just lack sufficient sleep) about the state of my life at the moment. nothing like a night in a house full of horny, sleep-deprived, caffienated teenagers to show you just how much you can hate some people and absolutely love others. hate to admit it, but i'm going to miss brett, i'm sorry i only got to know him this year b/c he's not at all the arrogant prick i thought he was. hate to admit it, but i think i really have lost a best friend, i don't think things will ever be ok between chris and i again. and it makes me want to cry, but my dad's making me pancakes, so maybe things will be ok after that.


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