This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

28.8.2012 - CBeebies in Scarborough

Post 1


Today my son and I met up with The Fish and his family in Scarborough, a town famous for being in the CBeebies Summer song. We had a great time on the North Bay Miniature Railway, the water chute boat and paddle boats, as well as on the beach, all of which appear on the CBeebies song.


28.8.2012 - CBeebies in Scarborough

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Did your children enjoy it as much as you obviously did?smiley - winkeye

28.8.2012 - CBeebies in Scarborough

Post 3

Icy North

It must be irritating sitting in the back of the car listening to the driver saying "Are we there yet?" every 5 minutes. smiley - biggrin

28.8.2012 - CBeebies in Scarborough

Post 4


We travelled by train - sadly we took the modern train from York to Scarborough, which had 3 carriages and was standing room only throughout (but no leg room on the seats anyway) as the steam train between York and Scarborough costs over three times the price, but that old engine pulled a dozen carriages, and all the seats have plenty of leg room too. Why do the people who design modern railway carriages have no legs?

But yes, fun was had by all and my son slept all the way home. If you've not seen the CBeebies Summer Song, it can be found here:;cbeebies/presenters/songs/&#8203;presenters-summersong2011/


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