This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 1


At work they are upgrading the floor below ours to a Media Hub, which means hiring workmen to bash down all the straight walls and replace them with curved ones and add bean bags and scatter cushions. Two weeks ago the workmen decided to cut off the building's water supply by making a big hole in the mains water pipe. On Friday they cut right through the main power line to the top three floors and then, five minutes later, spotted the network cable and decided to cut through that.

So no computers working at work (only at a time when students will want to know their results...) and worst of all, almost no h2g2 access!


10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - yikes

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 3


that horrific what monsters could do this

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 4


smiley - space
starts working on placard to carry whilst descending on the building to protest the unavailability of h2g2 to the residing genii

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 5

Icy North

Can you bring in a ghetto-blaster and play Bernard Cribbins "Right Said Fred" on a loop?

Either that or a medley of Ennio Morricone's spaghetti western themes.

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 6


smiley - space
as good as done smiley - ok

10.6.2012 - Red cable or blue cable?

Post 7


Limited availability back now - but very, very slow. I'm around, but not really able to post much or catch up, but I've not smiley - elvised, honest!


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