This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

6.12.2011 - Beware Of Darkness

Post 1


We have entered the Time of Darkness.

It is now the time of year when it is pitch black when I leave home in the morning, and pitch black when I leave work in the evening.


6.12.2011 - Beware Of Darkness

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Here too, sunrise today 8.30 am, sunset 2.49 pm. At least we have sunshine today

6.12.2011 - Beware Of Darkness

Post 3


Yes, I don't like going into this annual 'tunnel' .

6.12.2011 - Beware Of Darkness

Post 4


It always gets me down, and I have to remember to charge up my bike lights every day, otherwise I won't be able to see where I'm going and might accidentally cycle into the river...


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