This is a Journal entry by FairlyStrange

Losing Nimoy

Post 1


I can't believe I can find no reference to Lynard Nimoys' passing on Hootoo. I would have thought it would have caused a bit of a stir at least....guess not. In any case, good passing sir, and enjoy your rest. You will be missed.

Losing Nimoy

Post 2


He will be missed and mourned and a long and prosperous life to be celebrated smiley - peacedove

I expected to find somewhere collective to go, maybe today. What I have seen is journal entries like yours and references in on-going journal threads.

Losing Nimoy

Post 3

Bald Bloke

Due to the timing of his death a lot of people would already have gone out on Friday evening before they heard, so I suspect there may be more today.

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