This is a Journal entry by Rude-A-Mental 35611


Post 1

Rude-A-Mental 35611

The benefits of the Work-O-matic are unsurpassed yet


Post 2

Sunny, Researcher 35197

Get the new work-o-matic 2000 now! The work-o-matic 2000, of course, has a big millenium problem for a good reason, it creates more work. I guess you didn't think about that yet, did you?


Post 3

Rude-A-Mental 35611

Well I just love bugs, especially the work they do take to get them out. Maybe you didn't know of the bug economics of programming but i'll let you in on a little Apple secret. Whenever they made a program some people had to get the bugs out. you can imagine that over time it gets harder to get the bugs out, so what did the manager think of (read Steve Jobs) to get people looking very hard for the bugs??? He rewarded every found bug with a price say $5, the price ofcourse went up over time because less and less bugs were found. So eventually one bug was worth $100. So whats the reason i love bugs? I save them up until they're worth a hundred dollars and the result is $$$$. The reason CrimoSoft products are so buggy is because Billy boy wants to keep all the cash to himself.

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