Rude-A-Mental (case)

In a sense something rudimental is primary, original, primeval, elementary, inceptive, aboriginal, rudimentary and first, but on the other hand none of these are essential, necessary, fundamental or basic enough to cope in the universe. Take the Golgafrinchans for instant why were they able to cut out 1/3 of their people, couse they were rudimental. The same goes for the destruction of earth and any other stupid mistake you can think of. I'd say make sure your unique and essential to your environment so you won't be cut out.

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rude-a-mental May 5, 1999


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Do you mind? No Posting Jun 24, 2011
Democracy by Any Other Name? No Posting Jul 23, 2004
Slavery - why the Greeks had No Technology No Posting Dec 3, 2000
Work May 5, 1999 No Replies


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Rude-A-Mental 35611

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