This is a Journal entry by benjaminpmoore

A nuch micer day

Post 1


The last few days I have brought you shouty, angry ranty posts. So today I thought I�d do something a bit nicer, gentler, with no references to violent crime. In my post a few days ago, I made you all aware that we have acquired a new mouse. Her name is Inca. Today, after a period of quarantine to make sure she was safe, we decided to introduce her to a couple of the other girls. Two of them were standing waiting to be picked up when I opened their tank, so I picked them up and took them over to the sofa. I sat with Inca in one hand and Ceecee and Rice Crispy, who are sisters, in the other hand. I moved them closer to each other and talked to them as I did so. It all started very well. The clambered towards each other and were soon happily clambering over each other and sniffing without caution. I held them all in one hand and they sat together, sniffing and whuffling and seeming very settled. My wife, who knows about such things, decreed that now was the time to put Inca in her new home and see how it went. Well it went very well. A small number of girls approached her and rubbed up against her, making sure she smelled right. They crowded round her and sniffed her and licked her and generally gave her a very positive welcome. As the evening wore on CC could quite clearly be seen wandering around with Inca right behind her. You can argue all you like, I don�t care, but I�m sure Inca was being shown around the tank. By the end of the evening she was so happily settled in to her new home that we neither saw nor heard from her. It was as complete a success as we could have wished for.

A nuch micer day

Post 2

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Sounds like Inca has fitted right in.

Yay! smiley - mouse

A nuch micer day

Post 3


I wouldn't even attempt to argue, I'm quite sure you're right that CC was giving Inca the tour.

smiley - mouse "Now most of us prefer to wee there; don't sit in that spot, it's Minnie's favourite and she can really sulk if she doesn't get her way; that bit over there is the best place to be at feeding time. Stick with me, I'll see you right..." smiley - esuom

smiley - biggrin

Who's to say different?

Deb smiley - cheerup

A nuch micer day

Post 4


Quite so. Although we don't have a mouse called Minnie, but you were working with what you had, smiley - biggrin

A nuch micer day

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

A nuch micer day

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

(smiley - strawberry)

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