This is a Journal entry by benjaminpmoore

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 1


Time enough, I think, for a quick journal entry. I am in the tupical position of having no idea what to right, but the atypical position of havingover 6 hours in which to write it. Although I would rather not take six hours to write it, that's a bit slow for my liking. The question, as always, is what to tell you about?

Yesterday afternoon we took possession of a new mouse. My wife was contacted by a lady who bought the mouse for her son. Her son, surprise suprise, isn't look after the mouse. My wife was reommended to the lady by our vet as someone who took in small animals, and the mouse was brought to our door in a small toilet roll tubed sealed at both ends with seletape. All of which tells me more than I care to know about her and her son, so let's dwell on the mouse.

She is a uear old, and is black and tan like mnany of our current incumbents. She has, apparently, not been named thus far. We tend to experiment with animals, testing them with names until we find one they respond to. This little lady likes the name Inca, so Inca she is. Once she has been in quarantine for a few days we hope to introduce her into our girl mouse colony. I know you might be telling me this is madness, but trust me, my wife knows what she's doing with small animals. We have had rats living with gerbils and dwarf hamsters living with mice, all quite happily. She will conduct the whole procedure with great care and whatever happens it will be fine.

In the mean time she is sitting in a small tank on our dining table. It must be said that she is very hand tame and has been handled quite happily by both of us. She does seem to prefer my wife, but they often have preferences. She has been licked by our hare and given cucumber. She must be very nervous, poor thing, in unfamilliar surroundings with unfamilliar people and unfamilliar smells, but she seems reasonably content and I'm sure she will settle in fine.

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 2

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

New mouse, yay.smiley - biggrin

Did I ever tell you I had 26 gerbils at one point? That was madness, I was in a teeny tiny flat at the time and they didn't all get on with each other so had several seperate fish tanks for them (they'd eat anything plastic so I had to go for glass). Not had any more since Lovely (I didn't name him) died a few years ago.

Was thinking about getting a new rabbit since Tifa died, but I'm tending towards another cat (I rather like me wires not chomped) maybe a kitten that can get used to the older ones...

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 3


You did not tell me that, no. Our boy rabbit has to be discouraged from chewing things in general, but our girl hare tends to be far less problematic in that respect.

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 4

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P[

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 5


smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo Day 18: Mouse Mat

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

(smiley - strawberry)

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