This is a Journal entry by Ioreth (on hiatus)

A rather interesting bit of humanity.

Post 1

Ioreth (on hiatus)

*No, I'm sorry, the card says Moops.*

I went to a party tonight at the house of some coworkers of my father's. Sounds boring, but as it happens they have a bunch of children who are all either in college or grad school, as well as a whole bunch of really interesting friends. So it was a strange combination of talking to my parents' friends (So what grade are you in now, how is school, my how you've grown) and these really funky people. I would have stayed overnight but had no ride home. It's insane the conversations you can have with people you don't know. And it's fun watching people get drunk while you're not. A lot of fun. Now if only I were still there now...

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A rather interesting bit of humanity.

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