This is a Journal entry by bobstafford
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Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
bobstafford Posted Oct 31, 2017
Well this one has confirmed the 3 day theory very well.
He is all play and purrs today, he has been the the worst and best finish we have had. His hobby at the moment is food tasting
Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
ITIWBS Posted Nov 1, 2017
Louis L'Amour madecan observation once that men who'd been working for a very long time in a remote and isolated environment on their return to civilization tended to pile on the spices, a phenomenon like that of stock animals 'hoing off their feed'; fed the same thing without variety too long, the animals simply stop eating till some alternative is found.
Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
ITIWBS Posted Nov 1, 2017
Î can picture the cat's response, given the change from shelter fare, at first, suspicious, not knowing quite what to make of it, next an increasing delight.
With cats as with humans, their noses are more sensitive to savor than thèir palates.
Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
bobstafford Posted Nov 11, 2017
He has settled into family life and made firm friends with three of the cats and quietly tolerates the others.
He asks to be let out of, or enter the rooms and has fitted into the routine of the house.
Fully toilet trained now and has several "favorite" places and better still loves to play with balls and dangly things including tails of sleeping cats
So we are pleased to announce that he is fully accepted by the others and has now found his forever home and he knows it
Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
bobstafford Posted Nov 17, 2017
Things continue to improve, mealtimes are easier now and the game of "musical food bowles" has finished.
He is now relaxed and enjoys the company of the others even if it is at a distance.
Care when picking him up is minimal no scratching and biting now, unless you are carrying him away from food. He has started to enjoy life and is a fairly normal cat now and appears to be happy and content, and he has learnt the art of getting a door opened for him, and comes when he is called most of the time now.
He knows he is home now and its good to see.
Cat Chronicle (The Third 24 Hours) Now March 2018
bobstafford Posted Mar 6, 2018
Most cats are a little mad they would not live with humans if they were not.
He is doing well now he is a proper family cat now, still has a fight in him and will use it sometimes. Normality has arrived, with an ability to get into trouble. He is relaxed and happy enjoying life, mission accomplished one happy cat.
Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
bobstafford Posted May 15, 2018
Excellent news we have a normal and very cat, no cat is perfect they all steal food from neglected bowls and the odd argument with paw wagging. No fights or food theft and they all get on. That's good and they have taught him normality, as he now 2 years old he has has a happy life ahead of him and thanks to his family he will now have a happy time.
Don't worry he is still mischevious and enjoying it.
Cat Chronicle (The Third 24 Hours) Now March 2018
bobstafford Posted May 15, 2018
Excellent news we have a normal and very happy cat, no cat is perfect they all steal food from neglected bowls and the odd argument with paw wagging. No fights or food theft and they all get on. That's good and they have taught him normality, as he now 2 years old he has has a happy life ahead of him and thanks to his family he will now have a happy time.
Don't worry he is still mischevious and enjoying it.
Cat Chronicle update Now July 2018
bobstafford Posted Jul 5, 2018
Update On
Normality with a large portion of mischief has been achieved he is settled.
Gus is now settled and home, with only some minor arguments with the girls.
His best friend Basil looks out for him and Phoenix the oldest girl just beats the stuffing out of him if he goes to far, so now he seldom crosses the, you do not upset an Australian cat! The others just ignore him and tings are fine.
The united nations are all content.
If you have forgotten the international mix is 5 from the UK 1 French 1 Canadian and 1 Australasian. So AKA the UN.
Cat Chronicle update Now July 2018
ITIWBS Posted Jul 5, 2018
DG would probably appreciate a rogues gallery photographic study of the UN for the Post.
Haven't currently got any pets myself, unless one counts the kangaroo rat that swiped my peppermints.
Still, a picnic area indigenous squirrel pushed a rock off a precipice above me yesterday when I was hiking in the Indian Canyons.
It wasn't a very big rock (walnut sized) and it missed me, probably by intent.
Cat Chronicle update Now July 2018
bobstafford Posted Oct 14, 2018
Well we have successfully come to the end of our first year. We have a cat who is happy and content, there are still a few quirks but he is relatively normal.
A good cat well yes there is a tendency to regard all food as his, also mischief is still a hobby, but he will be picked up and accept fussing. No fighting or anti social behaviour he is nice most of the time§
Well done Guss you made it well done little man you are home good puss.
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Cat Chronicle The Third 24 Hours
- 21: bobstafford (Oct 31, 2017)
- 22: ITIWBS (Nov 1, 2017)
- 23: bobstafford (Nov 1, 2017)
- 24: ITIWBS (Nov 1, 2017)
- 25: bobstafford (Nov 11, 2017)
- 26: bobstafford (Nov 17, 2017)
- 27: bobstafford (Mar 6, 2018)
- 28: bobstafford (May 15, 2018)
- 29: bobstafford (May 15, 2018)
- 30: ITIWBS (May 15, 2018)
- 31: bobstafford (Jul 5, 2018)
- 32: ITIWBS (Jul 5, 2018)
- 33: bobstafford (Oct 14, 2018)
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