This is a Journal entry by bobstafford
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
bobstafford Started conversation Nov 30, 2015
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle, As Alfred Lord Tennyson would say "That's Shalott"
30. 11 2015
"That's Shalott"
At the end of this my first NaJoPoMo at first after post 1, it stretched before me, it looked longer than a viking saga, thats a fine mess your in. At first it was hard work thinking about what to say in the journal should be. It took surprisingly little effort to write it but it has however been 30 days of experiment and hard thinking to think of what to say.
Its getting colder here now and the weather outlook in the press is gloomy the internet weather forecasts are more optimistic.
It will all be over this time next year and will be interesting to look back over the events of the year.
Subjects such as immigration, the potential war(s) and religious conflict, technological advances since today, how much difference will a year make?
If I do this again that will make the first entry, maybe it would be a good idea to compare notes of how the world has changed
and lastly world wide
Perhaps if you read this you could join me in the comparison.
I hope it worked and was of some interest even if it did not gather many comments. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.
NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Dec 1, 2015
[Amy P]
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NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle
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