This is a Journal entry by bobstafford

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change

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NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change of weather

21. 11 2015

That was a sudden change in the weather to put it mildly (except its not mild its very cold) smiley - brr
Well I supposed we were warned and we can't complain but talk about sudden, and we are promised worse to come. It must be bad as Prof has reported his PC room to cold to use, and Prof is no wimp.

So its snow from the north! and strong winds! from the west What next?
Its just started so suppose we will have to wait and see if it gets as bad as they say it might.

How is everyone getting on out there I wonder nothing to extreme I hope smiley - towel

Cold and wet here with patches of sun so not much to complain about as yet but is there much worse yet to come.

smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwonssmiley - snowballsmiley - llabwonssmiley - snowballsmiley - llabwonssmiley - snowball

Lets hope not we might not see the end of it until March.
smiley - erm

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change

Post 3


smiley - brrI know how you feelsmiley - snowman


NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change

Post 4


Hows your weather BB is it the ISLE OF WHITE yet or how long will you be able to miss the snow

NaJoPoMo 2015 Bobstafford A Message in a bottle A Sudden change

Post 5


It never snows on the Island, maybe once or twice a decade. Growing up we'd always hear how Southampton or the New Forest had snow, but in my home town of Sandown, next to the sea, not a sausage.


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