This is a Journal entry by bobstafford
Quick Quiz Thread
Icy North Posted Jun 30, 2015
Who is generally credited with originating the proverb 'You shouldn't wash your dirty linen in public'?
Quick Quiz Thread
Icy North Posted Jul 1, 2015
Not Franklin, sorry, but Franklin may have met him - he certainly would have known his father.
Quick Quiz Thread
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jul 1, 2015
David Lloyd George?
He knew everybody's father :D
Quick Quiz Thread
Icy North Posted Jul 2, 2015
You're getting warmer. Think of the son of a member of his court...
Quick Quiz Thread
Bruin Posted Jul 5, 2015
Only got the last one with a few clues but here goes. Who wrote the book "looking for Alaska"?
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Quick Quiz Thread
- 61: bobstafford (Jun 30, 2015)
- 62: bobstafford (Jun 30, 2015)
- 63: Icy North (Jun 30, 2015)
- 64: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Jun 30, 2015)
- 65: Icy North (Jul 1, 2015)
- 66: Bruin (Jul 1, 2015)
- 67: Icy North (Jul 1, 2015)
- 68: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jul 1, 2015)
- 69: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Jul 1, 2015)
- 70: Icy North (Jul 1, 2015)
- 71: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Jul 2, 2015)
- 72: Icy North (Jul 2, 2015)
- 73: Bruin (Jul 4, 2015)
- 74: Icy North (Jul 4, 2015)
- 75: bobstafford (Jul 4, 2015)
- 76: Bruin (Jul 5, 2015)
- 77: Icy North (Jul 5, 2015)
- 78: Bruin (Jul 5, 2015)
- 79: Bruin (Jul 5, 2015)
- 80: Icy North (Jul 5, 2015)
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