This is a Journal entry by Wole Tall

On the job market again

Post 1

Wole Tall

I registered wit h2g2 in 1999 hoping to contribute stuff from time to time to a guide that I believed people in various ways. Then I got busy and forgot all about h2g2 until yesterday (4/8/2003) when I did a search for my name via google just for a laugh. To my suprise Google found the introductory text I wrote when I registered in 1999. And so, I'm back.

And talking about being back, I'm also back on the job market. I'm an IT contractor and was contract-less for about 2 years (June 2000 to July 2002). Then I got this 3 month contract that lasted for nine months but which, like all good things, came to an end in June. So I'm looking once more.

This time however, I have a few ideas...I may well document my progress here on h2g2...we shall have to see.

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On the job market again

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